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Epicor® C# Customization Services

Home » Epicor® C# Customization Services


“We were looking for some good Epicor® E9 expertise to help us in streamlining our E9 implementation and better align our business processes with E9 where practical.

Practical Technology Solutions (PTS) brought both business process background and E9 application knowledge  to the table in a very affordable package.  PTS helped us with both High level advice as well as detailed implementation assistance and outright programming assistance to develop and test customization’s and reports.  Their knowledge of reporting tools such as Crystal Reports and the database schema is excellent. While working with PTS recently, our consultant is responsive, always with a friendly, professional attitude.  He has provided insight and demonstrated a high level of technical skill.  We have assigned projects of various degrees of complexities with PTS and generally, have received a response in a timely manner. We would recommend PTS as a solution in assisting with ERP business challenges.”

— Fenner Dunlop Americas • Mining Industry

Saving the customer money…Customer spent $5K and saved $48k!!!

“On a cold winter Wednesday, I joined a metal fabrication conference in the Cleveland area.  We were led to a room covered in brown; the far wall lit up by a projector.  As I unpacked my laptop, trusty notepad and pen, I was approached by a man with a jovial smile.  The feeling that I should know him welled up inside me.  After taking a second glance at my nametag, he said, “we’ve worked together, but we’ve never met face-to-face.”  He went on to tell me how years prior we collaborated on a BPM that defaulted the correct shipping address for purchase orders according to the User-ID on the PO.  “Before you built that, about once a month, these huge semi-loads would arrive at our office building, over 400 miles away from the factory.  It was extremely frustrating, but now we can laugh about it because your BPM has saved us 10’s of thousands of dollars.  It hasn’t happened since.”  He shook my hand and thanked me, as we remembered working together.  Hearing this story made me proud of what I do and where I work.”

— Another happy client • Kadant

Dynamic Metals was in need of system change.  Both Culture and Processes needed improvement.  Multiple attempts have been made over the last 10 years with our current system to reimplement, upgrade and improve processes with little success.  Dynamic was stuck in manual mode and we needed assistance to break the culture and improve processes.  We met with PTS  to discuss our options.  We decided to utilize their services as they are familiar with our current system as well as the system we are in the process of implementing.  PTS  completed a thorough review of our current state understanding that we want to improve our processes using best practices with the new system.  The PTS staff has been knowledgeable, professional and is allowing us to implement with fewer resource hours from our staff.  With their assistance and guidance we have garnered enthusiasm throughout the organization for change that otherwise would have been a difficult task.  They have ensured with constant communication to mitigate any potential scheduling roadblocks in order to maintain the target schedule.  I look forward to completing the implementation and working with PTS on future improvements in our processes. I would certainly recommend PTS for consulting needs.

— Dynamic Metals • Aerospace and Defense Industry
Professional Epicor® C# Customization
The release of Epicor® 10 increased the need for C# skills. Though customizations can still be coded in VB.NET, it is not recommended (especially since you lose Web Access). C# gives you all the features you need at a stable and lightning fast speed. Further increasing the need for C# is BPMs. In Epicor® 10, BPMs no longer use progress code. It has been replaced with C# instead (LINQ).
The shift to C# may cause some concerns for your custom work, metrics, reporting and other packages, especially those created by third parties. Custom code isn’t guaranteed to survive the transition, and the Epicor® upgrade process won’t be able to ensure that all of the functionality you’ve come to rely on will continue to operate.
Don’t let previous developers leave you stranded or face issues with a third-party-developed install package from years ago harm your operations. It’s time to get professional consulting.
PracticalTek Knows C# Customization
The truth is, C# is nothing new to our developers. We’ve been coding in C# since before Vantage® 8.
Your upgrade may be leading to new areas, such as data sets being defined in assemblies that are no longer referenced, or you might be missing assemblies completely. BPMs have changed, and some users are reporting problems with old options because the import file is no longer correct. You’ve probably run across a variety of .bpm, .i and .p extensions but aren’t sure what to do with each.
Solving all of that requires a specific knowledge of both Epicor® systems and the C# language. Lucky for you, that’s exactly what we have at PracticalTek, and it’s exactly what we deliver at affordable rates for all of our clients.
To help you understand what we offer with C# customization, here are some C# examples.

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C# Example 1: Sales Order Entry

What we did: Added a selection the Actions dropdown that allowed the user to print the Pick List report, using the Order Number loaded in Sales Order Entry.

ERP C# iconWe get this request C# customization a lot: add something to the actions menu drop down and open it by passing values to it.  In this case the customer wanted to load a Sales Order number in SO Entry, and Print the Pick List using the same Sales Order number.  Custom C# code accomplished this quite nicely. It’s a core Epicor® function that you’ll use, and we’ll save you time and limit manual entry errors or formula missteps through this simple C# update.

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C# Example 2: Time Phase Inquiry

ERP C# iconThis C# solution was done in Epicor® 10. The customer was satisfied that they could now filter the “Source” column by whether or not it contained the word “Forecast”. We declared the grid in C#, and set a filter to it based on the checkbox value. The C# customizations the PracticalTek team focused on are functional ways to improve your operations, but as you can see we ensure they’re visually appealing and easy to navigate from the very first use.

ERP Epicor purchase order suggestion entry screenshot

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C# Example 3: Hand Held – Unpick Sales Order Form

What we did: PracticalTek knows that picking can sometimes be a challenge. For this solution users wanted to be able to print a Pick Label from their handheld device by a simple button click. They wanted to load an OrderNum and Line, click the button, and there’s the Pick Label.

ERP C# iconUsing C#, we built a print button and placed it at the bottom of the Unpick Sales Order screen. When users clicked this button, the Pick Label would immediately print (completely skipping the report print screen). This was accomplished with C# code in both the Hand-Held Unpick screen, and the Pick Label report (print screen).

Design functions like this placement allow your staff to have a more seamless integration of the technology they use and can help you slowly introduce new procedures and equipment with minimal interruption in the data you track and picking they perform.

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C# Example 4: Build a Dashboard Using C#

What we did: Built a dashboard that was actually a customization written entirely in C#. If you’re wondering “why on earth would you do this?” you’re absolutely right. That’s a completely valid question. In Epicor® 9 there are some limitations to dashboards, but they are few and far between. One of those limitations is the inability to select multiple records from a search. Our Customer needed to do just this, so we built them a C# solution.

ERP C# iconUsing nothing but C# code we built the dashboard our customer needed. The screen below looks like a dashboard, but it’s actually a customized screen. Epicor® C# customizations from PracticalTek are designed specifically to meet goals and overcome limitations in the system. We’re not out to do the same job as Epicor® — instead, we’re working to make sure it functions in the most useful way for your business.

Sometimes that’s a custom C# screen, and at other times it means working within existing dashboards to add the layers you need for better access to your data.

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C# Example 5: Engineering Workbench

What we did: Our customer’s users needed to adhere to a strict ECO naming convention that was maintained via a UDTable. Rather than allowing users to enter in their own ECOs, we built a button that automatically generated the “Next ECO” record based on the data from their UDTable.

ERP C# iconFor this solution we built custom C# code inside the Engineering Workbench, as well as, BPMs (written in C#) that helped to populate the “Next ECO” value. Essentially, we had our C# code in the Engineering Workbench “communicating” with our BPMs that were also written in C#. The operation went smoothly, and is designed in a way that works with future growth, plus still functions properly in the event of a migration or significant update..

C# customization from PracticalTek is designed to give you all of the power you need in your ERP environment. We’re able to build custom functionality, repair missing or broken capabilities after a migration and restore custom operations that were lost when you upgraded to Epicor® 10.

Want to see us in action? Contact us now for an estimate to build the functionality you desire and to learn more about our process.

Epicor engineering workbench module

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