Functions Maintenance is a tool that simplifies code in your Epicor® environment. It allows you to use code over and over again across all of your Kinetic screens.
Think of Epicor® Functions Maintenance as a classic customization solution which includes a workflow within Epicor®.
So, instead of building something a second time, you simply “call” a bit of code that’s already there.
At PracticalTek, we love building and using Epicor® ERP functions!
Gain access to function libraries, multiple functions and perform functions for whichever industry you may be customizing within Kinetic.
Customizing in Epicor® can be used for BPMS and Application Studio. There are a lot of options and flexibility that Epicor® Functions Maintenance offers.
Store all of your functions, don’t rewrite code and create your own functions within the Epicor® environment.
With Epicor® Functions, users can create custom code functions & widget functions with code; no coding experience needed.
Epicor® ERP Functions Maintenance offers utmost efficiency and versatility, helping deliver businesses powerful results in real-time. Speak to our PracticalTek ERP consultants, improve business processes and deliver results today!
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