Create Customer Shipments with Just a Few Clicks
Epicor® gives you the tools to really build anything you want. We were able to build a screen in Epicor® that allows users to search and select Sales Orders, and create Packs from them. All they would have to do is select the Orders they wished to create Packs for, and click a button. This was done via Epicor® Development tools.
After the user clicked the Process button, the screen would create a pack for each order selected. For each of those packs, the screen would use the sales order’s lines to generate the pack lines for the Customer Shipment.
This eliminated the need for the shipping department to create the packs. All they had to do was finalize them and flag them as shipped when appropriate. We eliminated many steps for this customer by dramatically reducing data entry. They were able to generate countless customer Shipments with just a few clicks of a mouse. The bonus to all of this: each pack created, still followed all of Epicor’s® business logic. We’re proud of this solution as it saved our customer a great amount of time.
Epicor® 9, Epicor® 10, Epicor® ERP, Epicor® Development, Epicor® C#